About Pheasants Forever McLeod County - 7

A Local Minnesota Chapter

A Local Minnesota Chapter

Welcome. We are Minnesota (PF), a nonprofit conservation organization dedicated to the protection and enhancement of pheasants and other upland bird populations in North America.

Pheasants Forever is the only national organization with a model of chapters keeping 100% of the funds they raise. While belonging to a larger national organization that has a voice on federal and state conservation policies, chapters are tasked with finding projects for their funds. Minnesota takes full advantage of this model using funds raised for projects locally as well as other areas in the state of Minnesota.

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Local - Our Chapter History

In 1984 in conjunction with Meeker County, the McLeod County Chapter was formed. In 1985 McLeod County separated from the Meeker County chapter. The McLeod County has become a national success story and the model for other chapters to copy. (There are currently over 650 chapters and over 115,000 members of Pheasants Forever across the United States and Canada.)

1988--#1 Nationally in habitat expenditures

1989--#2 Nationally in habitat expenditures

1990--#1 Nationally in habitat expenditures

1991--#1 In state habitat expenditures

1992--#1 In state and #2 in habitat expenditures

1993--Purchased 221 acres bringing our total to over 700 acres of land for wildlife habitat (accessible to the public)

1994--Sponsored a Habitat Intern for the summer, contributed over $3,000 for cost shared planting

1995--Contributed over $3000 towards saving the CRP Program sponsored a Habitat Intern for the summer

1996--Purchased 167 acres of land adjacent to Bakers Lake near Brownton, Planted 6,000 trees and seeded the native grasses.

1997--#4 Nationally in habitat expenditures purchased and additional 80 acres near Silver Lake and made available 1400 bushels of corn for winter feeding program.

1998--#1 Nationally in habitat expenditures with total dollar spent of $247,085.00. 1st Chapter nationally to reach $1,000,000.00 in habitat work and acquired 80 acres in Sumter Township.

1999--#4 Nationally in habitat expenditures with total dollars spent of $115,044.00. Purchased 75 acres in section 32 and 85 acres in Section 36 of Hassan Valley Township. In the summer of 1998 spent $40,000.00 on habitat improvement on 3 sites purchased in past years. (Clauster Lake, Deutsch, Pebbles. Planted Trees, native grasses, wild flowers and constructed parking lots and erected signs. We have cost shared the reclamation of over 6,100 acres of private land to woody cover and grasses. We continue to promote habitat awareness through political and educational efforts

2000--#1 Nationally in habitat expenditures with total dollar spent of $199,377.00. Planted trees, native grasses and wildflowers on sites purchased in 1999. We have cost shared the reclamation of over 6,100 acres of private land to woody cover and grasses. We continue to promote habitat awareness through political and educational efforts.

2001--Purchased 195 acres on three sites- 40 acres along the Crow River in Bergen Township, 75 acres addition to Phasianus W.M.A., and 80 acres in Hassan Valley Township, planted 75 acres to Native Prairie on Prairie Heritage W.M.A.

2002--#3 Nationally in habitat expenditures, spent $330,056.00 on habitat projects. Developed 250 acres on nesting cover, 9.5 acres wetland restoration, planted 4,600 trees and installed 29 acres of food plot on 31 different sites. We are currently working on a purchase of 120 acres of permanent wildlife habitat. A 40 acre land acquisition near Lester Prairie was developed with cooperation from Lester Prairie Sportsmen Club, Crow River Cutters, Deer Hunters Association and McLeod Wildlife and Fish Alliance.

2003--#2 Nationally in habitat expenditures, spent $316,761.00 on various habitat projects. Purchased 200 acres in one parcel with approximately 70 acres of existing wetland. Planted 60 acres native prairie, restored a 40 acres of wetland and began restoration efforts on a 30 acre wetland. Installed 30 acres of food plots on 20 different sites. Continued maintenance on past land acquisition sites.

2004--Fox Hill project Hassen Valley Township – Planted 3.1 acres of woody cover and installed weed control fabric. Restored 30 acres of wetland. Conservation Partners of America – McLeod County Chapter provided finances for the wetland restoration and Crow River Cutters assisted with the woody cover planting. Penn Township Section 26-27 project – Planted 95 acres of diverse prairie habitat, 20 acres clover/grass nesting cover and restored 35 acre wetland. Maintenance on many past land acquisition sites which are now open to public enjoyment. The Lester Prairie Sportsmen club continues to care for “The Forty” project in Bergen Township.

2005--Purchased 308 acres in Hassan Valley and Sumter Townships. Minnesota Chapter of the Year - First chapter to spend $3 Million for habitat. Number 2 in Minnesota for new memberships.

2004--Prairie burns and maintenance on 120 acre, 15 acre wetland seeding and restoration. Youth programs - participated at Gopher Campfire’s Youth Conservation Day, held a Youth Hunt at Spruce Ridge Landfill.

2006--In cooperation with Conservation Partners of America, NRCS, USFWS and M.W.A., planted 300 acres of nesting cover, restored 90 acres of wetland on newest acquisition near Biscay. Maintenance and prairie burns 300 acres. Held a youth mentor hunt at Spruce Ridge, participated in Youth Conservation Day at Gopher Campfire. #1 Nationally in habitat expenditures. Purchased 180 acres. Youth programs - participated at Gopher Campfire’s Youth Conservation Day

2007--First $4 Million Chapter - Nationally. Development of the 200 acre tract purchased in 2006. Assisted USFWS with site preperation, planting and maintaining Native grass plantings. Seven wetland basins were also restored on the site. Youth events: Participated in Youth Conservation Day at Gopher Campfire. Conservation through Cooperation Recognition from the USFWS.

2008--Conducted maintenance on lands which were transferred to USFWS and are now open for public enjoyment. Developed food plots on public lands and provided seed for private food plots. Participated in two youth events.

2009--In cooperation with the Wildlife Habitat Conservation Society of McLeod County two parcels of land totaling 168 acres were purchased. Our local PF club received grants through Pheasants Forever adn the Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council (Conservation Amendment Funding) to assist with acquisitin and restoration of these lands. Both parcels will become WMA's and be open for public hunting. Developed food plots on public lands and provided seed for private food plots. Participated in two youth events.

Our Chapter Mission

Protect, restore, and enhance wildlife habitat by establishing and maintaining local projects.

  • Create, improve, and preserve upland bird habitat
  • Foster youth hunting and outdoor activities.
  • Develop, distribute and foster conservation education.
  • Introduce and advance prudent management of conservation policies.

Pheasants Forever is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection and enhancement of pheasant and other wildlife populations in North America through habitat improvement, land management, public awareness, and education.

About McLeod Pheasants Forever

About McLeod Pheasants Forever

Our local chapter in Minnesota was founded amongst those upland hunters and sportsmen and women in your community. Our goal is to provide those avid outdoormen and women an opportunity to assist in the protection and enhancement of pheasants and other upland bird populations around the local area.

Pheasants Forever was co-founded in 1982 by co-workers at the St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch, outdoor editor Dennis Anderson and national advertising director Jeff Finden. Both recognized a need for habitat restoration and preservation to ensure the future of pheasants and other wildlife.

PF's first publication entitled "Rooster Tales," published in February 1983. This became the forerunner of today's Pheasants Forever Journal of Upland Conservation. The fledgling PF held its first banquet on April 15, 1983, drawing 800 people at the inaugural banquet. In January 2007, PF's third-ever National Pheasant Fest in Des Moines, Iowa, became the largest event in PF history, drawing over 24,500 attendees over a three-day span.

Twenty-five years after its inception, Pheasants Forever has become a grassroots, nationwide upland conservation movement - a national conservation powerhouse. The organization has grown to 110,000 members with over 600 chapters across the U.S. and Canada. Nationwide, Pheasants Forever has spent $260 million on program expenditures, which have helped fund 347,000 habitat projects affecting 4.4 million acres across North America. Along the way, PF has continued to employ the same unique organizational model of empowering local chapters to determine how 100 percent of their locally-raised conservation funds are spent. This local control allows chapters to see the fruits of their chapter efforts in their own communities.

Our Local Habitat Projects

Our Local Habitat Projects

We actively partner with other chapters and Minnesota organization of natural resources on many habitat projects.

  • Habitat field days are conducted when opportunities arise.
  • We involve young people through activities such as youth hunts and habitat projects.
  • Habitat projects and efforts to restore and preserve public lands.
  • Contribute to funding purchasing and restoration of local land throughout our community.

Our Fundraising

  • Our annual fundraising banquet, which is attended by more than 300 people, generates thousands of dollars. The banquet is held in early March each year.


Who is Pheasants Forever?

A national organization dedicated to the preservation and restoration of habitat for upland game and wildlife throughout the nation.

  • Over 145,000 grassroots members and volunteers who have developed more than 10 million acres of pheasant and other wildlife habitat since inception.
  • 600 chapters completing over 35,000 projects annually.
What Can You Do To Help?

What Can You Do To Help?

Please explore our website and discover more about the McLeod Pheasants Forever. You'll find detailed information on all our activities and upcoming events. Let us know what you think; we appreciate your feedback. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact us. We welcome people interested in the Pheasants Forever mission to attend our monthly meetings, listed on our events page.

  • Become a Pheasants Forever member or sponsor
  • Volunteer your time or resources to our chapter

2025 Photos & Text Copyright - © Pheasants Forever McLeod County - 7
3plains.com - Pheasants Forever Web Design

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